2018 - year of Things

2 min readDec 20, 2017


2017 without a doubt was a year of Blockchain, with various Cryptocurrencies having tremendous growth during the course of the year. Analytics tend to think that in next year CryptoRush will calm down. What will be the most growing trend for 2018? Companies, investors, governments and many others think about it, analysing the results of 2017.

Year 2018 will be a turning point for IoT with many enabling technologies deployed. It will have a massive impact on the whole industry, helping it to reach more than 31.6 billion connected devices prior to 2023. CONNAX works in the Internet of Things since its early days. It gives us deep knowledge of IoT market and its problems. We believe that it should be much more user friendly and protected than nowadays in order to have a explosive growth.

We believe UTIM™ Universal Thing Identity Module will be one of those enabling technologies, helping Internet of Things to reach desired results. It will open a new Era of End-point services and help millions devices to have simple and secure integration with various IoT platforms. That is why we will keep to sleep less and work more in 2018 to make high expectations our common reality.

From the behalf of whole CONNAX team we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy IoT Year! Let’s jump in another 365 day sprint, motivated, mindful and confident that we can make the World around us a better place to live.




Team of multi-skilled developers, making IoT safe and user friendly.